APRIL- Week of the Young Child

Hello April!! We cannot believe we are in the home stretch of the end of our school year. The last year has been a wild ride and we are very grateful for being able to work with our young learners for a whole school year! 

Speaking of our young learners, every April we spend a week bringing attention and recognition to our young children and their needs, as well as the early childhood education programs and educators who work to meet those needs. The Week of the Young Child is upon us! April 19th-23rd we will be celebrating our young students and their needs. This is the 50th anniversary of Week of the Young Child, started by the National Association of  the Education of Young Children, or NAEYC, in 1971. 

As early childhood educators, we believe that early intervention is extremely important and imperative to creating a strong foundation and positive experience in a young child's journey through learning. Using student needs and developmentally appropriate practices and standards, early childhood education programs are able to help young learners move in the right direction. Fox Early Childhood has planned a week of fun and educational activities to help us celebrate the WONDERFULLY EXCEPTIONAL Young Children we get to work with and watch grow!

April 19th- Music Monday : Get ready to make some noise!

April 20th- Tasty Tuesday : Pancake Party!

April 21st- Work Together Wednesday : It takes a team to help us grow! 

April 21st- Magic House Night for our program only!!! 6-8pm, peanut butter donation for Brendan's Backpacks 

April 22nd- Artsy Thursday : Paint/Create a Masterpiece!

Below are the activities and home extensions to help keep the celebration going when we leave school!


Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful Week of the Young Child!!


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