MARCH- Get outside!

 Hi folks!

Thanks for reading again this month....this weather might give us whisplash, but the nice days are just that, NICE! This month we will discuss the importance of getting outside and making it meaningful for our little learners!

Little ones are not stationary and need to move around. There are many theories that movement can help the brain remember things and can make learning more of an experience. Exercise and movement increase the creation of neurons, which are the working units of the cells in our body. If we pack movement and learning together, we can see a great improvement in how information is taken in by the brain!

Outdoor fun can be all about getting energy out, exercise, fun and growing the mind, all rolled into one. Here is a list of things to do, to get the muscles and blood pumping, as well as the brain and soul!

- Go for a walk: count the trees/plants you see, count your steps as you walk

- Make a scavenger hunt for outside play

- Draw with chalk

- Talk about shapes you see on the ground or in the sky

- Play hopscotch 

- Climb

- Race

- Swing

Getting outside doesn't always mean you have to just be moving and grooving, you can learn while you do it as well! 

Get out there and enjoy!


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