APRIL- Week of the Young Child

Hi all!
April is the month that we celebrate our young learners and their journey in growing! We have a week of activities to try at home with our young learners. This week is very important to us and we wish we could be with the students to celebrate. These activities will allow students the learning opportunities to access their counting, math, literacy and language concepts. It will also give students time to build fine and gross motor skills and use their imagination.

MONDAY: MUSIC  MONDAY: Make instruments and have a parade outside,listen to different music from other countries and dance

TUESDAY: TASTY TUESDAY: Read the Books Give a Mouse a cookie,Give a Dog a Donut,Give a Pig a Pancake and Give a Moose a Muffin and make cookies,donuts,pancakes and muffins

WEDNESDAY:WRITING DAY:  Make a Family Time Capsule and bury it in the back yard,Make a Family album of what you've been doing during the Pandemic,Draw a picture and write a story with parents help

THURSDAY:  ARTSY THURSDAY: Make puffy sidewalk chalk (recipe on pinterest),hang a shower curtain outside or on the ground and paint using a variety of items,spray bottles,squirt guns,rollers,forks,hands,feet etc.

FRIDAY: FLOWER/GARDEN  FRIDAY: Plant flowers,pull weeds,plant lettuce,radishes lay and spread mulch,paint rocks  

SEND PICTURES to your child's teacher and we will share on our Don Earl Facebook Page!

Please check out the NAEYC website to find out more information on WOYC!!

We hope everyone enjoys their Week of the Young Child and spend time together as a family!
Stay safe and healthy!!

Thank you for reading!


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