
Hi all!!

While we are all stuck inside, we thought we could share ideas and resources on how to build fine motor skills in our little learners! Enjoy and stay safe and healthy!

Fine Motor Skills in Preschool

The words, “fine motor skills” is a phrase we hear often. It is something that has been around for a long time, so what’s the hype about now? What’s the big deal?
The term, “fine motor skills,” refers to the coordinated use of the small muscles in our hands and fingers to perform everyday tasks. If you think back to when you were a kid, you may remember going outside, playing with toys, drawing, doing puzzles, etc. While kids today still do those things, there is one big difference…technology.  Technology is a wonderful invention, and iPads provide wonderful resources for learning as well as accessibility. However, it is now more important than ever that we be intentional about providing kids with opportunities for fine motor skill development. Recent research shows an inverse relationship between screen time and fine motor performance. So, the more time a child spends on an iPad, iPhone, video game, etc., the worse they perform on tasks related to their fine motor skills.
What can we do to help? Should we throw out the iPads and iPhones? Of course not. But, we can encourage our child to use their hands to play, invent new things, and accomplish everyday tasks. Below is a list of great fine motor skill activities as well as some of my favorite resources as a pediatric occupational therapist. Enjoy! 

Fine Motor Play Ideas
·       Peel and place stickers on lines and shapes
·       String cheerios, buttons, or beads onto pipe cleaners
·       Use kitchen tongs to pick up pom poms or other fun toys
·       Hole punch paper with miniature hole punch
·       Make things out of play doh
·       Hide small items in play doh for your child to find
·       Paint with Q-tips
·       Cut along paint swatch samples
·       Clip clothespins onto popsicle sticks
·       Copy lines and shapes into sand, shaving cream, paint, etc.

Additional Resources


  1. So informative! Many great and creative ideas. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you. I'll try these now that I have the time!


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