November 2019

Welcome Back to the Don Earl Early Childhood Parent Blog. We cannot wait to share new information with you all each month!

November is in full swing we will be discussing using manners and surviving the holiday meals upon us!

-Model manners for your child throughout your day: Have your child use "yes, please" and "no thank you"
-Talk to your child about greeting the people they encounter, saying hi, hello and bye or asking how are you?
-Washing hands before eating
-Always serve yourself last
-Do not bring toys or books to the table
-Chewing food with mouth closed, taking small bites

To reinforce all of these tips above:
-Give lots of positive praise
-Start with one rule at a time
-Teach by example
-Be consistent and deal with inappropriate behavior immediately

Practice make perfect, so begin to teaching table side behavior as soon as possible to ensure a pleasant holiday season!

Here are some links for more manner resources:


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