February-Daily Routines

February-Daily Routines

Establishing daily routines are an important part of making early childhood learners successful both at home and in school. Routines do not need to be elaborate or take over your entire day. In fact, keeping routines simple and direct are more beneficial for young learners. Having daily routines provide young learners with the security of knowing what to expect. It eliminates the unknown and helps minimize behaviors.
Most common routines start in the morning or evening. In my opinion, these are the parts of the day usually filled with the most stress for parents so setting simple, and direct expectations is important. For example, at bedtime first put on our pajamas, then brush our teeth, and then we get in bed and read two books. When we are finished we turn the lights out and go to sleep. Repeating this routine nightly becomes a routine everyone can follow.

School is another place young learners learn routine. It can be a hard adjustment in the beginning but even our beginning learners can follow simple routines. Such as, an arrival routine. Coming in the classroom, taking out their folder, and going to the table. Repeating this routine daily gives young learners expectations and sets the tone for their day at school. Check with your child’s teacher on their classroom routines!


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