January- Bundling Up and Playing Outside


The coldest winter months are upon us. Here is some information about why it is good to get outside for our little ones!

There are many benefits that come with playing outdoors, even when it is cold.

  • Your little ones get to see the outside world through a new lense!
  • Increases in exercise and using different muscles
  • Getting fresh air and avoiding bacteria
  • New challenges and problem solving- motor planning and figuring out how to maneuver the terrain
  • Vitamin D exposure

Some activities to do to introduce winter play to your little one:

  • Playing seek and find with items in the snow
  • Spray paint art: fill spray bottles with water and food coloring and draw in the snow
  • Target snowball: Hanga target on a tree or lean it up against something, and let the little ones take aim with a snowball
  • Tic Tac Toe: use pine cones, twigs and sticks outside to make a grid and play tic tac toe
  • Snowflake magnifying: use black construction paper and place snowflakes on it and look through the magnifying glass

Bundle up for the cold weather!

  • Layer, layer, layer!!
  • Mittens, gloves and hats!
  • Boots: make sure your little ones footwear is dependable and waterproof

Let’s have fun in the cold and snowy weather!!


  1. So much great information for parents during these long cold winter months!

  2. I find it so funny that adults hate the cold. Therefore, their children never experience the true beauty of all fun activities that happen in the winter season. Thanks for all the great ideas.


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