May: Sensory Issues/Sensory Diet for Home
May: Sensory Issues/Sensory Diet for Home
What is a sensory diet? “A “sensory diet” (coined by OT Patricia Wilbarger) is a carefully designed, personalized activity plan that provides the sensory input a person needs to stay focused and organized throughout the day.” Think about yourself for a moment, imagine sitting in a meeting at work, or waiting in the doctor's office. After a short time you may start to tap your pen, or foot, twirl your hair, crew gum, or bite your nails or pen cap. You are providing sensory stimulation to yourself to help you focus. The same is true when it comes to children.
There are specific types of sensory input; proprioceptive, tactile,visual auditory,vestibular, gustatory and oral motor. It is important to know that an occupational therapist should oversee a sensory diet specific to your child. Too much or too little stimulation at the wrong time of day for your child can defeat the purpose of its calming effects.
Parents often struggle with “picky eaters” at home. Some children may not be tolerant of smells or textures when it comes to eating. There is no trick or easy way to get a “picky eater” to all of the sudden not be a “picky eater”. There are some things you can try. Follow the link below to find out more!
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