December- Family Traditions
Family Traditions: Why they are important and how to start a new one that sticks! With the winter Holidays coming up, let’s take a minute to reflect on the traditions that we celebrate as a family…. Traditions are actions that we engage in again and again, rituals that we perform at the same time or in the same way. But remember not everyone practices the same traditions. FAMILY TRADITIONS: Family traditions are important for the family to function as a cohesive unit. They provide members of families to feel a sense of inclusion and acceptance, identity, strengthen family bonds, teach values, offer comfort, connect generations, add seasonality to life, pass on cultural heritage and create memories. HOW TO CREATE A NEW FAMILY TRADITION: Find a shared activity to partake in as a family. Make sure it is personal to your family. For example; taking your family down to a local soup kitchen and caring for others or creating a Holiday wreath together to hang in the house...