Week of the Young Child

April was a popular month. 
In the month of April, we celebrated the National Week of the Young Child, however we extend the fun to last all month long.  Here are some ways to make learning fun at home with your child:
Making Play Fun:
Nature Fun:
Importance of Music:
April was also Autism Awareness Month!  We had a very successful Autism Fair.  If you were unable to make it, here is a list of the resources/vendors that were here that night and that provide resources to families in our community:
United 4 Children , Ride on St. Louis,  MO-Health Net, STARS Program, Rock the Spectrum Gym,  Disability Resource Association , St Louis Regional Center, Next Steps for Life , COMTREA,  MO-FEAT, JUDEVINE, Helping Hands and Horses

Here is an online recourse guide:

Finally, April was also Child Abuse Prevention Month!  Here are some helpful links and resources:

Car Seat/Booster Seat Info:
Remember, you can go to any firehouse and have them check your car seat to make sure it is installed correctly.

The Village of Helping Hands Turning Point is a great place in Jefferson County to help with a variety of parenting needs. 

Resource Guide & Tips for Child Abuse Prevention:


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