Using Resources at Home to Encourage Learning
Using Resources at Home to Encourage Learning Children are always learning. As they play, they are busy discovering how things work in the world around them. Parents can encourage this learning process by providing some purposeful, hands-on activities using resources from around the house or inexpensive craft items. Letter activities: Use wooden craft sticks and fuzzy sticks (pipe cleaners) to make letters. Make the letters in your child’s name. Talk about how each letter is made with straight lines, curved lines, or both. Write each letter of your child’s name on a separate piece of paper. Also, draw pictures or choose a few fun stickers to place on a few additional sheets of paper. Crumple each paper into a ball and have a safe “snowball” fight indoors. Set a timer. When the game is over, open each snowball and ask your child to name the letter or picture. Spread a thin layer of flour, corn meal, or candy sprinkles in a small tray, pie pan, shallow bowl, or cookie sheet...