September 2020

 Hi friends!!

We are back to the daily in's and out's of going to school and all the fun that comes with it! While this school year looks vastly different than any other year we have experienced, keeping consistency is key. For this month, we are going to focus on routine and making sure that our little learners know their routine and follow it. Providing our children a consistent routine provides structure and understood expectations, which then give them the opportunity to experience success in school and life. 

How to create and keep routines with preschool students:

-Start the night before

Following a nighttime routine: picking out clothes, getting backpacks ready, and making lunches the night before will allow you to begin the next morning with less on your list.

-Begin adjusting to a routine that will work for your family as soon as possible 

*remember that it could take a little time before everyone is in tune with the routine*

Starting with breakfast and following the timelines of when your little one will need to wake up for school will be helpful in the long run.

-Getting enough sleep

Establishing a night time routine, reading a story and having calm down time before sleep can ensure that your little one will be well rested.

-Writing down or making a list of morning tasks

Having your little one write out a list with you of all the things that need to be taken care of before leaving for school/work can give them ownership and a visual aid of their tasks.

-Make it fun!

Making routine more of a game can make a huge difference for little ones. Learning and play go hand in hand for out students and their developing minds. Adding music or an end chosen reward can help motivate as well!

Please keep in mind that all these ideas can be different for every family and child, but trying to add them one step at a time can positively affect our little learners. This school year is going to test us in following our routines, as long as we keep consistent for our students we can make a difference in their lives. 

Thanks for reading! Hope everyone is having a great start to the school year!



  1. This was a very good article to start the school year off on the right foot. Easy for my preschooler and my older children too! Thank you


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